Clan Galbraith Guestbook

Born outside of Philadelphia, Pa. Raised in a nice suburb even farther out from Philly. 1st heard of connection to Scotland as a teen. Never investigated it. Have a nephew who took a tour of England and Ireland (close) but not Scotland. Have a niece with documentation of lineage that looks like I am really part of the family tree of Galbraith. Very interested in learning more about what is real or just a story. I am the youngest surviving son of my father, so I'd best find out about this stuff before too late.

Admin reply: Hello John,
Thank you for signing our guest book. I would love to hear about your history. I hope you will join the clan association so we can see from which line you descend. Please let us know if we can help.
All the best,
Carol Galbreath Kiefer
President Clan Galbraith Association

Added: November 4, 2019
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Aloha to all of my Galbraith 'Ohana!!
I am a descendent of George Galbraith who was from Down County, Ireland. He migrated to Hawaii & passed away in 1904 leaving behind a great legacy for all of his heirs. If anyone has watched the movie "The Descendents", the history of our Galbraith line almost mimics the story line of that movie. I look forward to meeting more Galbraith family members at our next Clan Gathering. The last one I attended with my family was in 2012 in Scotland at Culcreach Castle.

Admin reply: Hello Kevin,
Thank you for signing our guest book. You have cousins in British Columbia who are members and would love to connect with you. I hope you will join the association.
All the best,
Carol Galbreath Kiefer
President Clan Galbraith Association

Added: October 2, 2019
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Greetings from Southern California I have a pretty good sized family in the area here all from what I presume to be descendants.

Added: July 25, 2019
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My mother is a Galbreath, her father is James alfred Galbreath, his father is James Alexander Galbraith, his father is William Merl Galbraith, and his father is Calvin Henry Galbraith, that is far back as I have, I would like to find more can some one help?

Admin reply: Hello Neil,
Thank you so much for signing our guest book. I checked our library’s search engine for your line and I found at least two other members or former members with ancestors in common with you. If you would consider joining us, you will have access to our library as well. No sense in doing all your own research if we already have the information you seek. I hope you will consider joining us!
Best regards,
Carol Galbreath Kiefer
President Clan Galbraith Association

Added: June 7, 2019
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My dad was very proud to be a Galbraith, which he has passed on to me. We are one of five families is South Africa with the same surname, however, we are the only ones from Culcreuch lineage.

I may still be in South Africa, but my heart is in Scotland. Proud of where i have come from and am proud to pass it on to my kids.

Added: May 21, 2019
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I'm the last male in my line straring to trace my line. I know I'm a Galbraith from the Galbraith crest I will always go down fighting and love a challenge...
Can't wait to trace my line back ;)

Added: March 12, 2019
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My mother was a Galbraith whose ancestors were around the Glasgow area until they moved down to Hull to work in the shipyards. Our oldest proven Galbraith male came to Scotland from Ireland and that has ended my trail as I have been unable to trace further back. I think that they originated in Scotland, moved to Ireland, then back to Scotland as research seems to point to that. I am always interested to find articles about the Galbraiths

Added: February 22, 2019
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I just discovered this page and find it very interesting that there are so many Galbraith's and I'm not alone.. :)
Just amazed at the history and lore.

Added: February 4, 2019
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John A Gilbreath (1862-1916) is my 2nd great grandfather.

Added: January 20, 2019
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I'm Lindsay Gilbreath Garrison. I'm just learning about Clan Galbraith and Culcreuch Castle. I'm a descendant of James Galbraith and would love to trace lineage beyond him.

Added: January 16, 2019
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